Tuesday, December 30, 2008
soooo cute....Jamo's wedding
Check it out
We will be gone for a few days!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
- I moved
- Got a new Car
- Got laid off and a new job in the same week
but the thing I notice more then anything is how much my kids have grown in this short year. I am pretty sad about this. I wish they would just stay small forever. Jaden promised me when he was 3 that he wouldn't get bigger..................hey what happened to keeping promises. My oldest baby is no longer a baby at all. He is actually maturing (with attitude and all) more each day. My middle baby grew so much this year. I am not sure of the exact inches (bad mommy) but I do know last year at this time he was just fitting in a 3T and now he is almost out of toddler clothes all together. Today he wore 5 in big boys! My youngest baby is now in the process of being potty training and is talking more each day.....as we speak (or write I should say), she is bugging for me to lay with her and watch the puppy movie..........so I will go now since I know one day she will be kicking me out of the room and not wanting me to watch a movie with her.
I will be sure to show you all my finished album when its done!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 22, 2008
I passed
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A few winter pics
Oh yeah here is the pics.
Friday, December 19, 2008
SANTA.............I KNOW HIM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I am alive!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Look who is turning two!
Thought this was a cool pic
Auntie and Liv!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I hope you dance.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Alec is now given up naps so he is "pleasant" at night and its a battle to try and get him to settle down. Most kids settle down as they get tired but he is not "most kids". He runs around, yells and acts crazy and then eventually after getting yelled at and 15 time outs, falls asleep. Its a fun night......................not.
Sienna is a bugger. Just out to so anything and everything that will bug someone. She loves to annoy her brother (and me).
Jaden is my angel baby but he sure does know how to ask for something at the wrong time and stir up some stuff. Like tonight he asked for cake when he was done with dinner. The little ones immediately stopped eating and bugged for cake. UHHHHHHHHHHHHH JADEN
Ok now that I just bitched about my kids let me just say I love everything about them, yes even their evil ways. They are strong individuals with strong personalities. hahaha Ok I have to justify their behavior some how. hahahaha
I love them!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It's calm
Christmas pictures were ummmmmmmmmmmmmm ok. Sienna wouldn't cooperate but that is given as she is two (ok trying to make myself feel better). I am curious to see how they turn out. I should get them back this week. We shall see.
Our house is all decorated for Christmas and we got our tree. we put up Icicle lights outside. Christmas is fun (besides all the money spent)
So this post turned into Christmas. haha I guess I am excited