Thursday, April 30, 2009

ok sorry

I have been gone for two days for work. Here he is (sorry its a crappy cell phone picture). He is so adorable.

Monday, April 27, 2009

It's time

Jessica is in labor as we speak (or I type). Bring on baby Jordan

Update: No baby yet (3:30)

He is here! Born at 6:19 by c-section, 6 pounds 6 ounces! He is perfect. Mom was still drugged up when I left. I will return tomorrow and get pictures!

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday

Ain't got no job, ain't got shit to do. Ok so I have a job and a lot to do but I love saying that. If you don't know that movie then I guess you are not ghetto like me......ok I am not ghetto.

Plans for the weekend are
Bows, Bows and more bows and Alyssa's baptism. Easy enough right. Oh I forgot a family dinner tomorrow night too. I am sure it will end up getting bombarded with 15 other things.

Oh and my garden is growing. Ok that's random but it excites me to know my garden is growing. Did I tell yall I planted a garden. I am not even sure who Yall is because I dont know who reads this.
Oh well, it's Friday, ain't got no job, ain't got shit to do!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Going, Going and Going more

Now is the time when my life gets a little crazy. Ok it always is but spring/summer it is more crazy then normal. It is every one's birthday/baptism/wedding/baby shower etc. Then throw on kids sports and my school and I am just one big nut case. haha
I feel like I have not been home since Sunday. Of course I have been but this is my week so far

Monday- Work all day, school at night
Tuesday-Work all day, took kiddos to San Jose Giants game at night
Wednesday-Work all day, Jaden's game at night
Today-Work all day and soccer at night

On a positive note.........the warm weather rocks!

Monday, April 20, 2009

So I lie............oh well get over it

So I lied and said no more pictures "sorry". Hey it "sorry" works for Sienna all the time so it better work for me. My weekend was busy ......but super fun. Shannon had her baby shower this weekend and look how cute she is (see below). I can't believe she is due in May. I can't wait to meet Bella. Shannon got spoiled (as she should) and it was a beautiful day!That night was Uncle's Johns surprise 60th. Who would have guessed it would be so much fun dancing to "old school" music. haha It was really fun and Brannon and I actually got a night away......... wooooooooooooo hoooooooooo baby baby! My sister in law and cousin!

Brannon dancing with his cute
The night wouldn't be complete without a "who can make the ugliest face" picture

Sunday we spent by the pool. I wont even begin to tell you how red I am now.


Why are Monday's so hard? I am tired and just want to lay in bed all day............wahhh

Friday, April 17, 2009

More pics.

Ok I know I can be annoying with all my pics. I can't help it. I just wanted to share a few pictures..........I promise I will stop soon. Ok Maybe not
Here is my Princess Leah last night. she looks so sweet (key word is looks)

My David Beckham Jr. himself.

Oh and here is little miss thang shaking her booty
and her famous ending with a flip (as she calls it)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Day Off

I took the day off to spend with the kiddos. Jaden is on spring break and I wanted to take him to do something fun. I also needed a day to just focus on the most important people in my life! We went to Monterrey Bay Aquarium. The kids had a great time. My favorite thing we saw was the dragon leaf seahorses. They look so cool to me. I got some neat pictures of them
The five of us by the ocean

Alec is MR. FUNNY now when you want to take his picture.

Taking a day off made me realize it is so much fun to have one day off during the week. I need to do it more often!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter

The day before Easter.......Going to the hunts

A Family picture at the hunt!

The baskets before they were opened

Guess who's


My three amigos after getting dressed on Easter


Partners in crime

My Princess Leah

A Easter Family Pic!

We ended our day swimming at grandma Jan's.

The bunny came

We had a great Easter weekend. We went to several egg hunts on Saturday and the kids got soooooooooo much candy and had a great time. We dyed our eggs on Saturday night and they loved doing that. Sunday they woke up to find the bunny had come. She (or he) left them a bunch of gardening tools and seeds, along with candy, socks, etc. They loved everything they got. We spent the day with family and it was beautiful day. The kids even got to swim for a while! i will have pictures up soon!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


WHY OH WHY does Jaden get up so early on the weekends? I mean really? He is eight years old not a baby. What part of sleeping in doesn't he get? The younger two get it, but not him. Not to mention he has to take a bath and make a tonnnnnnnnnnnn of noise and wake the rest of the house up.

Ok sorry, but I am just not a early morning person on the weekends!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

4 years ago today

Four years ago today is a day I will never forget. I was very excited to bring my 2ND son into this world. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared because I was. Not scared for the labor or the pain, scared I could not love someone the way I loved my first son and scared for how he would feel about a new baby. Would he be jealous, would he me mad at me for making him share his parents? It sounds silly now but at the time it was on my mind. The moment I saw Alec I knew that everything was going to be perfect.

I was shopping with my mother in law when I suddenly felt my pants a little wet. I thought to myself "did I really just pee?" I went to the bathroom and realized it was not pee, it was my water leaking. I got to the hospital around 1 and labor progressed pretty fast. I did have a epidural but everything went pretty smooth (well besides a little anxiety and a cry spell that I really can't explain. haha) . Alec was born around 8:00 (I need to look up the exact time), weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces. He had a perfect little face with the longest eyelashes. He was so beautiful. The moment I saw him, I fell in love. The kind of love that you can't describe, the same kind of love I had for my first son. When Jaden met Alec that day, he was just as in love with him as we were. He still loves his brother (most days). That day feels like it wasn't that long ago. It has gone by wayyyyyy to fast.


8 months pregnant with Alec!

April 9, 2005

Perfect from the start!

His first road trip to San Diego with Nina Katie!

Hawaii baby!
Look at my blue eyes (they changed) His first haircutDisneyland

Tub time with brother and sister !

His first Mohawk (well real one)

First baseball team!