Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's calm

Today is a calm day, no barfing kids, no shopping, no cooking or cleaning. It's just me and my co- workers sitting in a Christmas decorated office, listing to Christmas music. My boss brought me coffee and it was ohhhhhhhhhhh so yummy. My shopping in 65% done and I am excited about that. The rest will be done online to avoid the crowded stores. I am sticking to a budget this year for Christmas and so far I am doing great! I am happy with all my purchases so far.
Christmas pictures were ummmmmmmmmmmmmm ok. Sienna wouldn't cooperate but that is given as she is two (ok trying to make myself feel better). I am curious to see how they turn out. I should get them back this week. We shall see.
Our house is all decorated for Christmas and we got our tree. we put up Icicle lights outside. Christmas is fun (besides all the money spent)

So this post turned into Christmas. haha I guess I am excited

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