Monday, November 24, 2008

It never ends! Update on kiddos

On Friday Mrs. Sienna stuck a tiny ball from a decoration at grandma's house in her nose. We Spend Friday afternoon at the Hospital removing it. Saturday...........what does she do???She does it again with a popcorn Kernel. As if that wasn't enough excitement she gets the flu Saturday night and projectile vomits all over my bed and pillows (YUCK). My poor baby barfed all night but is now better and I am sure will be sticking more objects up her nose again soon.

Jaden's conference on Friday went awesome. His teacher loves him and went on and on what a great job we are doing with him. She was saying how well mannered he is and how great he gets along with everyone. Its great to hear these things about your child. He is also doing awesome in school. I have to give the credit for that to my mom. She really works with him everyday and always does his homework with him.......THANKS MOM! He is a great kid and I am so proud to be his mommy. His teacher made me feel so good about him. I always feel I will get labeled as a young mom who doesn't know how to raise kids and having reinforcement from his teacher makes me feel awesome. He rocks.
Alec loves to chew gum now. He always swallows it though and I threaten not to give it to him anymore. This weekend I gave him some and he swallowed it. I asked him "did you swallow that gum?" and he looked at me and said "no mom, I did not swallow the gum, a spider is in my mouth pushing it down my throat"

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